01 March 2012


Oh, assalamualaikum earthlings. 

How's ur life guys? What? O uh..nice. Good then. Huuhh, me? Err. Err, glad u're asking. 
Have been better. Alhamdulillah. ^^

Seriously, am still counting days. :')
Am finished. You won. Am exhausted enough dealing with an egomaniac person.
Going somewhere else doesn't mean that we wanna leave the one we love.

Guys, teringin nak rambling. Can i ? Sekali je. Please. 
[i know, rambling ain't good for a student muslim, but this is not rambling, i guess. Its kinda du'a.]

Oh, Allah...
am wishing somebody will wipe ma tears from ma eyes,
and am wishing somebody will lend me their shoulder for me to lean on too...
some days i feel like am dying,
and some days i feel like its not worth trying,
coz i get so sick of crying.

tonight, am dreamin',
u'll stand, in the light..
so u can count how many tears fall from ma eyes,
and am hopin' this time i'll be alright,
coz ma heart can't get any worse..

i've cried myself to sleep so many times, that even the pillow has to be hung out to dry,
they think i've everything..
they think i've the perfect life, with the perfect family and a perfect guy,
but they don't know..that i've cried myself to sleep,
i guess there's more to it than meets the eye.

Notes : First time ever in my life..bloggin' in fully English. So, maaf lah kalau banyak salah ye. Coz am not good in English after all. And, after a while.. i realized that i just can't cry anymore. I just have to believe that what happens is what's supposed to happen, and well, i can't change that, even if i tried. So, just dry the tears, and hope that tomorrow will be a better day. Ensha-Allah. Pray for me ya, will u ? :')

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